Monday, November 9, 2015

my opinion about "new learning instruments for classes" By : Bagas Adi Pamungkas

               Learning instruments are important to held any classes. To improve the efficiency of the classes activities such as debating, writing essay, presenting a presentation, etc. without it classes activities will be hampered and not going well even the classes member can’t be a productive member. But, when we have the learning instruments which we use for the classes, we still need the new ones to improve the classes to be more productive.
                The first new stuff we need is sound system. We need it for the classes because we can listening and learning to dialogues of English native speakers, so we know the accent they are using for the dialogues. The next stuff is LCD projector. It is an important stuff for the classes, also for presenting some presentation. Without the LCD projector, the presentation will not going well and become not attractive for audience. The third stuff for the classes. Absolutely we need chalks. We oftenly write on black board to give written information for the members. But, the uses of chalks are temporary. We need to maintain the stocks of chalks oftenly. If we forget to maintain and run out of chalks stocks the classes will not going well, even become not productive. The next one is stuff we will always need, writing desk. Without writing desk when the members are going to write some written information or write an essay the members will not comfortable for writing without any desk.
                The fifth stuff. When we have writing desk we also need chairs. Without chairs we can’t write effectively on the writing desk. Furthermore it kind of funny when we use the writing desk without chairs. The next stuff for classes is chalkboard eraser. When we do some mistakes for writing some written information on blackboard, we need to remove the mistakes. But we can’t just simply wipe it with our hand or something, we should use the chalkboard eraser when the written mistakes are wider than we thought. It more effectively than wipe it with our hand or something. The seventh stuff we need is gallon of water. Because the class will be held from 6PM till 9PM we need to do some break on middle of class, and we also need water for drinking. So the members will enjoy and attend the whole classes happily and feel comfortable.
                The last stuff we need is trash can. The class have many members in their community, but when use a classroom we need to maintain the classroom’s cleaness. When the classroom’s cleaness maintained by members, the class will be more comfortable and members will enjoy the whole class.
                That was my opinion about the “new learning instruments for classes”. To improve productivity of classes, to make classes more comfortable and enjoyable, and to maintain the classroom cleaness we need all of the stuff like I said before. But it just my opinion about the “new learning instruments for classes”, and as a humankind we aren’t always do something right or even do more mistakes than the right things. 

Review :
- Good! Essential items such as writing materials, tables, chairs and trash cans are ussually ignored, so it is necessary to maintain them.
- You might want to recheck your Essay before sending it next time, there are simple typos in few parts.
- You might want to use "Instrument" or "One" instead of stuff. The word "Stuff" are applicable for anything, even verbs! but it is considered informal to use the word in an Essay.

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