Sunday, November 15, 2015

Updates of The Week One Challenge

Hello Dear reader! It was nice to see some of you excited about the challenge! There has been over fifty mails coming over the emails and they showed some promises in their writings and I barely reached half of it!

Unfortunately, there are several hurdles we encountered. The most annoying hurdles are that some of the mails, while not the Majority, are written in bad formatting. The bad formatting here usually consisted of Writing in a doc file, Wall of Text, Lost of first line indents and the worst of all, the phone texting.

Yes, those problems are technical word formatting and I can solve them myself, but doing that would take some times that I could have used to check on others mails. As for those who sent your Essay in file, I will let this slide this time since most documents I read has fine format in it.

So, to prevent anymore unecessary hurdles, I will tell you how to send your text with the correct formatting. First, type in a word document editor and if you are using mobile phone to type, send it over your computer and edit it there, remember the one who will be reading the text is not a robot, but a human.

Next, write all you want! Use any format! Anything is fine as long as it can be read. As such, please AVOID the use of “Times new roman” font because there is no other font that has “Homework” feels on it! Remember, this is a challenge! Not a homework! 

It might be good to mention that you should try to use this format to write at the subject of the mail: 

"Challenge (Number) - (Name) - (Class) - (Tittle)" 
for example 
"Challenge 3 - Mochamad Hilman - 2 D4 CE - How to swim like a rock"

When you have done your text, send them over to your mail using copy and paste and send them to your own address. Read your own mail and check the formatting because that is how your text will appear on the blog.

And to finish it up, NEVER EVER FORGET to click the send button! Otherwise, your mail would never reach our address!

Okay, that was all I need to tell about the challenge. Just for note, if you feel that your formatting is not good enough, you don’t have to re-send your own Essay because it’s useless for crying after spilled milk. Make up for your mistake at the next challenge!

Oh, and as for the results, I will try to post them as soon as possible, maybe in a wave of ten everyday if possible.

Parts of Speech and recount of Second Meeting

Parts of Speech

Hello, dear readers! According to Wikipedia, Speech is he vocalized form of human communication, but it also has variety of definition surrounding on how people are speaking and how much they influence other people hearing them. In order to increase your influence to other people and bridge what’s in your head, there are several factors that greatly influence your ability to make a speech and those factors are called “Parts of Speech”.

There are nine parts of Speech that you need to know, which are:
·         Verb
·         Noun
·         Adjective
·         Adverbs
·         Determiner
·         Pronoun
·         Preposition
·         Conjuction
·         Interjection

Each one of these are the basic categorizes of words that you encounter every day, starting from the subjects, verbs and the other additional information that you would want to add in your sentence.

Now that the file has been updated. I got some photos for you guys! Remember that the last week was rather busy for some of you? So our leader decide to start the meeting a bit earlier so that at least you won’t miss the first segment of meeting. Because the meeting must start earlier, I decide to come fifteen minutes earlier, then I met with this...

...unprepared room. I knew that there will be a lot of you coming, so I doubt these chairs would be sufficent and I have to put them at the back as usual. Within fifteen minutes. Long story short, I didn't finish it in time, but luckily two of the new members shows up and helped me with these chairs.
The first wave was quite many, althought not as much as yesterday meeting, it was still such a relieve that my effort putting those chairs at the back didn't go to waste. Later, some the members asked permition to leave the room until 8 Pm, these are the remaining.

 By the way, the Projector didn't work for some reason, so we need to use the white board.

As for the second segment of our meeting, we lack of people to do the supposed to be four division split, both us and the new members. So our leader decided to do a "Passing Strory" game!

We all round up to play the game. Basically, we need to tell a short story within 10 second, then passed the story into the person next to us untill someone can't tell a story anymore.
Well it was hard to keep the story in line. I started it with a horor setting, the protagonist is in his own house, watching the television when suddenly the lights went off. His phone rung several times, showing 17 missed calls from someone. But somehow the others turned it into a drama of friendship, daily live and end up with college student's biggest nightmare, coming late thirty minutes after a class started!

The next story we made was about a couple of lovey-dovey couple that was going to go on a date, but sudenly their bike stoped in the middle of a junggle. Yeah, it was supposed to be a romance, but now it started to become a horor once the characters met an old cabin in the wood and started to come back to the same cabin over and over again. I was going to do a joke when my turn starts, but the Joke made me laugh just by thinking it and thus I spent all the 10 seconds laughing.

After the clock reached nine PM, we concluded our game and finish our meeting that day. and... of course, some of the boys stay behind to help us returning the chairs this time. Well, that's it the recount of the second meeting. hope you won't miss the next one!

The Six Tense Approach

The Six Tense Approach

Hello, dear readers! This is the first post to include materials that we have learned during the first session of our regular meeting. Materials that have been taught during the meeting will be posted here weekly, so make sure to check this blog once in a while!

Without further ado, let’s start with the Six Tense Approach!

There are many ways of how to classify tenses: Two, Three, Six and Eight. However, I have chosen the six tense approaches because in my point of view, this is the fastest way to learn them because of the categorization.
The six tense approaches focused on six main tenses, while the rest are addition into the said tenses or combination of two or more tenses. These six tenses are including:
  •   Present Tense
  •   Past Tense
  •   Future Tense
  •   Present Perfect Tense (or Perfect)
  •   Past Perfect Tense (or Plueperfect)
  •   Future Perfect Tense (or Future II)

Each one of these contains their simple forms and continuous forms, counting it into 12 tenses and also additional 4 combination tenses: Simple Past Future, Past Future Contionus tense, Past Future Perfect Tense, and Past Future Perfect Continous Tense.
However, it must be remembered that these presentations or any given materials are merely to help your learning, so remember to come at every meeting to make sure you can understand the given materials better!

Link to the presentation : Click Here!

*Some of the Images are taken from