Monday, November 9, 2015



By: Nicho Abdian Gusti Rahman

NRP. 3110151057 

I want to give my idea about some new equipment in my department in Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya . I think in Mechatronic’s laboratories are fully equipped with many tools and facilities, so we can try to use it when we have a practice lesson. There’s no perfect for us as a human, we always feel not enough for any facilities another person given to us.

 For the first is AC, there’re some lab and classroom which AC isn’t work, you know that Surabaya have a hot temperature up to 30 degree, if the AC isn’t work the lesson would be very hot and the student would be uncomfortable. It probably effect student spirit of studying in class, so the solution is change the broken AC with the new AC.

Oh my lab there’s an AC that broken and the liquid from the AC are falling down on the floor and that was very disturb our work and also very dangerous for other electrical equipment. So we need the new one.

In Mechatronics Engineering we can learn how to operating a PLC (programmable logic Controller) for me this is very important because PLC is an important part of controlling a machine or several machine automatically. Mechatronics Engineering we only have one type of PLC, SIEMENS. But in Industries, there are many type of PLC such as OMRON, SCHNEIDER,FESTO, etc. so we can learn different style of PLC’s programming. Each PLC have their own specific, such as input-output, and voltage which PLC can receive. so we need it to learn each of PLC product. I know that cost of the PLC itself are very expensive, but we can make the student keep their spirit of studying.

The Third is electric supply in several place which we called “Stop Contact” sometimes work and sometimes doesn’t work. In laboratory, there’s so many stop contact there and I think all of those are working and for me there’s no any problem about electric supply in my laboratory. In south Canteen area that there’s a stop contact but there’s no electricity for any electronic tool, we can charge our laptop and phone there but in another way that place is very comfort. So we need that to help us doing

The Fourth are about practice lesson again, it’s about tool called decade resistor. While our class have a practice using this tool, in another class have a post test which need a decade resistor and automatically our class can’t do any practice lesson. That was wasting our time which we didn’t do anything because the tool are given to another class, So we need some new tool to evade that problem. And for manufacturing lab we need more wider area, because I thing that it’s to narrow and just a little space for man and more for machine.

That’s all my opinion about new equipment in our laboratory, because we’re student who need
to learn more wide and we also can increase our skill with that facilities. For me facilities are very
important to increasing the student skill and abilities in our class

Review :
-It is a good idea to use Ordinal Numebers such as First, Second, Third, etc , but you might want to use sequencing with "Next"and "Lastly".
-When there's a tobe, be it is, am are or their second form, don't forget to add -ing at the verb. Unless it's a passive word.
-Watch out! I noticed some missplaced word. for example, the And at the fourth sentence of the sixth paragraph. And is not supposed to be put AFTER a dot".", the correct word for this sentence is "As"
-Nice use of relative pronoun, keep it up!
-Note : Put your text in the body of mail next time, okay? the text messed up unless you did so.

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