In this life, all come from a simplicity. Then, technology changes
the simplicity into something which is very useful in all aspects of human
life.Originally technology is only to help a man in fulfilling their needs, but
as the development of it, there was a transfer of technology functions.
In education aspect,the technology always in changing
everytime.Intending to improve the softskills and hardskills quality of
students in the schools.Example for the writeboard,the materials was changing
from sabak stone,black board that’s can be written by chalk then until now
using whiteboard that can be written by boardmarker pen. I also see the development
of the equipment in the classes like at the chair, table, attendance listing,
personal cupboard,adding LCD projector for presentation method by using
computer and the style of the school building itself are always updating following
the era.
I have many idea about the new learning instrument for classes to
improve the quality of the students in the classes.But it’s need little bit
expensive in price because, the learning instrument technology was updated. I
imagine if PENS has the technology,the student’s quality was improved in
maximality and I think in Indonesia,the technology still not available and no
one yet to using it.
The first technology I called “auto attending ins”.The ways of
working of the instrument by using detector,like smart card.But I think it more
simple and effective.It’s work when the teacher entering into classroom,that’s
instrument autodetecting the teacher and the students on the classroom the
autolisting the attendance list.The instrument detecting the teacher and the
students by detecting the chip in the smartcard using sensoring technology that
sensoring to all sides in the classroom. Because the smartcard detector in PENS sometimes not detecting the teacher’s
smartcard to open the class’s attending list.So, if it’s occurring like that,We
must using manual attending list with paper class list,then, it must confirmed
to BAAK to fill the attending list in online system and it’s not effective. And
sometimes too it’s not listed properly nor not listed in online attendance
The second technology I called “auto our feel ins”.The instrument
is for improving the works of the Air conditioner in the classroom and the
instrument is for fixing the using of air conditioner’s timer.That’s I think
not too effective in works.Because, the timer works during the the time not the
condition of the class.Hot or cold is not for the reference.So if the students
in the classroom feeling chilled,the air conditioner still on. And its very
disturbing and reducing focus the students in the classroom.The auto our feel
ins in work following the temperature detector.So if in the classroom the
temperature was very hot, the instrument will work and commanding the air conditioner
to turn on and the temperature in the air conditioner be setted to the certain
temperature.In example in classroom was 38 degress celcius,feels very hot to
study.So,the temperature in the Air conditioner would be setted to maybe 18
degrees celcius to equalize the room’s temperature and get comfortable room temperature and cool to
last technology for my essay I have an idea to using a solar cell for electricity
needed in every room,Because it low in cost,more environmental friendly and
effective utilize electricity sources in than we always using electricity from PLN.If
the voltage,power or in current electricity still too small to run the big machine
in laboratory,we can add more solar cell or maybe combine with electricity from
In PENS, I think many of the classes equipment have been completed.But,
I still have few recommendation to add some equipment in the classroom like,LCD
screen beside the writeboard,dump in every classes that placed in front of
classes,good and fix LCD in some classes that still have no LCD or the LCD were
broken,chalk or boardmarker stock in every classroom and broom and dust pan
every if the classroom was dirty, we can cleaning on it before we
use it for studying.
That’s all of my essay about the new equipment for classes.I’m
sorry if in my essay there’s still many false in grammar,tenses or maybe in the
meaning and word typing.
Review :
- Okay... I must admit this one is good, but.... Next time, please put your Identity on the mail and also a Tittle for the Essay.
- Paragraph two, First Sentence. The word "in" should be deleted, it's already good with "always changing"
- Inapropiate use of past continous tense at Paragraph two, Second Sentence. The word will be nicer to use a simple past tense. "The materials changed from"
- Watch out with the use of 's after a word. it could make the word "that" into "that is"
- Paragraph Three, Second Sentence. The use of "has been updated" will be better because you are using passive voice after the because's coma.
- Paragraph Three, Third Sentence. The use of "will be" will be better because you are using the word "if" before.
- Other than some minor mistake, this Essay is good. And... yes those mentioned here are expensive, but using solar cell will be troublesome, isn't it? it needs sorching heat to fuel a room's electricity and if we put it in every room... well... the entire campus might turn into a giant grilling zone.
- Paragraph two, First Sentence. The word "in" should be deleted, it's already good with "always changing"
- Inapropiate use of past continous tense at Paragraph two, Second Sentence. The word will be nicer to use a simple past tense. "The materials changed from"
- Watch out with the use of 's after a word. it could make the word "that" into "that is"
- Paragraph Three, Second Sentence. The use of "has been updated" will be better because you are using passive voice after the because's coma.
- Paragraph Three, Third Sentence. The use of "will be" will be better because you are using the word "if" before.
- Other than some minor mistake, this Essay is good. And... yes those mentioned here are expensive, but using solar cell will be troublesome, isn't it? it needs sorching heat to fuel a room's electricity and if we put it in every room... well... the entire campus might turn into a giant grilling zone.
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